
2021 Annual Report
The year 2021 will most probably be remembered in history as the year in which COVID-19 was active throughout the months of January to December. Many organisations, like ours, had no choice but to adjust the ways of doing our work so as to remain productive while also keeping our members safe. In this report we detail how among other things we adpated to COVID-19 and improved our program competencies and strengthened the synergies across our centres to ensure meaningful co-creation and co-production of work.
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Citizens and Official Government Processes in Zimbabwe
Governments’ traditional mandate and purpose is to serve the needs of citizens by way of designing and implementing programmes and policies that address the latter’s needs. In this light, we sought to understand the extent to which citizens understand the roles and functions of different tiers of government. We also sought to find out the extent to which citizens have played a role in shaping government programmes by participating in official processes and platforms established by both central and local governments.
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Advocacy During COVID-19
Zimbabwe, like the rest of the world, was not spared from the COVID-19 global pandemic. The country went into lockdown in March 2020 and only essential services remained open. Most of the non-profit world inclusive of policy advocacy focused formations were deemed non-essential and had to resort to working remotely or effectively closing down. However, the wheels of government policy making did not slow down.
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Field Based Evidence on the Impact of COVID-19 on Citizens in Zimbabwe
Since March 2020 Zimbabwe has been fighting the COVID-19 virus using an already weak health delivery system. The COVID-19 outbreak occurred while the country is undergoing massive economic decline with the unpredictable local currency forcing service providers to increase their prices. The cost of living for a family of five increased by 254.27% from January 2020 to December 2020 while salaries have not increased correspondingly (Murisa, 2020).
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The Best of Us in the Worst of Times, A Review of Giving During the Corona Virus Pandemic – COVID-19 and Philanthropic Responses (Feb 2021)
The COVID-19 pandemic has once again revealed the willingness and propensity of Zimbabweans, to give and work together to mobilize resources. This report demonstrates the extent to which ordinary citizens foster networks of solidarity despite the economic crisis or challenges. The giving under discussion extends beyond just monetary resources, to the giving of skills, knowledge, physical assets and time, which highlights how philanthropy/giving must be broadened beyond the shift of money from the rich to the poor.
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2020 Annual Report (Feb 2021)
The report provides a detailed account of the work we carried out in 2020. For some reason we found ourselves working at break-neck speed throughout the year. Despite the COVID-19 related challenges we managed to continue on the growth trajectory; we expanded our work into the region, increased the number of our research outputs, secured more resources than in any other year and also grew in terms of the team both at board and staff level. It was indeed according to Dickensian wisdom, ‘the best of times and also the worst of times.’
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The Fate of Livelihoods Under COVID-19 Lockdowns and Neoliberal Restructuring
In this report we explore in more detail the extent to which government’s neo-liberal thrust combined with COVID-19 related convulsions have affected livelihoods across the country. The discussion is based on research data that we have been collecting through a number of our online platforms including the price and policy trackers, household survey data, case studies and an ongoing process of reviewing the performance of policies.
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Impact of COVID 19 Lockdown on Micro, Small & Medium Scale Enterprises in Zimbabwe (Sept 2020)
We present results of a study we conducted to assess the impact of Micro, Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (MSME’s) in Zimbabwe. In particular this report focuses on four thematic areas:I. The impact of the Zimbabwe lockdown at its peak (between 30 March and 31 May 2020) on business cycles and operations.
II. The response of MSME’s to the directive to shut down and work remotely.
III. The level of diversification and innovation generated by the new opportunities arising from the presence of COVID-19.
IV. Efforts by MSME’s to stay afloat and recover from lost business during the lockdown. Full Report (2MB)

Covid-19 Series Report Examining Impact of COVID-19 on Community Based Foundations (Sept 2020)
In the first of a series of papers by SIVIO Institute on COVID-19, SIVIO Institute looks at how the operations and finances of Community Based Foundations in Zimbabwe have been affected by the pandemic as well as to assess the extent to which these organisations had made contingency plans during the national lockdown.
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Think-Tanks in Zimbabwe (Jun 2020)
This report presents the findings from our study of the Think-tank landscape in Zimbabwe. Among other things it considers the state of local think tanks and their potential influence in resolving the multi-faceted challenges that are faced by Zimbabwe
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Dancing on The Same Spot: Findings from our Citizens’ Perceptions And Expectations Survey (May 2020)
This report presents the findings from the second nation-wide survey carried out by SIVIO Institute in November and December 2019, which sought to measure and understand citizens perceptions on governments (local and central) performance and what governments priorities should be.
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Perception on Giving – Findings from a survey on giving in Zimbabwe (Mar 2020)
Zimbabweans within the rural, urban and the diaspora give and, in this instance, we were asking about financial giving. The study also sought to understand the patterns of giving, is it only to family and extended family or does it include strangers, is it also only to individuals or to institutions. The study sought to determine the factors that influence giving and what could be done to increase the phenomenon of giving. This report provides study findings which we hope will potentially contribute towards an improved understanding of how ordinary Zimbabweans give.
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2019 Annual Report (Jan 2020)
This report provides SIVIO Institute’s key takeaways and how we performed in 2019. The year was marked with declining socio-economic conditions and pronounced threats to civic liberties. It was characterized by halting and at times incomprehensible efforts to address the challenges faced by the country. However, we still saw a need and indeed recognized opportunities to position ourselves as a force for good.
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New Dispensation – Bravado Incoherencies and Costly Blunders
This report provides a detailed sector-based analysis of the performance of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government after one year in office on the data generated by the platform; It measures two phenomena; the pace at which government is implementing the 240 promises it made during the elections and the comprehensiveness of the measures being adopted.
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National Baseline Survey of Citizens Perspectives and Expectations on the Second Republic (Feb 2019)
This report provides insights into a survey questionnaire administered across the country in which SIVIO examined the extent to which citizens are aware of central and local government programmes and their perceptions of the same. It also highlights the fact that citizens have interests and aspirations that could either be aligned or misaligned with government actions.
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Report on the First Year of The Second Republic
The report is focused on analysing the actual performance of government based on tracking promises and actions taken. In the process, we are building upon our hypothesis which states that ‘the new Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) is long on promises and short on delivery.’
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The 100 Day Report on The New Government: A Citizens’ Perspective (Mar 2018)
The Citizens’ Report on the new government’s first 100 days is an independent effort to objectively track their initial performance and provide a perspective from citizens on what has been achieved. It also seeks to inform government on the aspirations and desires of the people.
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